Jumat, 26 Desember 2008

Menggapai puncak sejati Raung (Reaching the true peak of raung)

Wah saya gembira nih. Ada SMS bahwa teman-teman dari tim pembalak milis pangrango berhasil sampai ke puncak sejati Gunung Raung melalui jalur Kalibaru. Mereka bersembilan, salah seorang di antaranya perempuan.

Gunung Raung ada di Jawa Timur. Biasanya untuk jalur normal ditempuh melalui desa Sumberwringin namun jalur ini mentok hanya sampai di tepi atas kaldera. Sementara puncak sejati Raung ada di seberang kaldera. Tidak bisa ke sana karena harus jalurnya melalui gigir tebing yang berbahaya.
Untuk ke puncak sejati raung, ada dua jalur yakni melalui Kalibaru dan Glenmore. Semua memerlukan ketrampilan rockclimbing dan bantuan tali-temali.

I am very excited. I just got SMS that my friends from 'pembalak team' of mailing list pangrango has just reached the true peak of Mount Raung. They were 9 people including 1 girl..reaching the peak through Kalibaru route.

Raung is situated at East Java. It has 'normal route' by Sumberwringin village at Jember. But this route only bring you to the caldera of raung. while the true peak is across of this caldera top. You cann't reach it by Sumberwringin as you will face the obstacles of very narrow arete.
To reach the true peak of raung, you can choose route of kalibaru or glenmore village. All this route need some rockclimbing skills using ropes.

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